Food allergy and Homeopathic treatment

        Food allergy and Homeopathic treatment


Food allergy, causes, conditions, types of allergies, symptoms and Homeopathic Treatment
Food allergy, causes, conditions, types of allergies, symptoms and Homeopathic Treatment

What is an allergy?

The immune system protects us from harmful elements such as viruses and bacteria. An allergy is a strong immune response to a component that is not harmful to many people. This factor is called 'allergy.'

Allergies are not just an itch on the skin, but like other diseases, Allergy is a common disease caused by a weakened immune system due to a genetic disorder, and it gradually shows its effect on the body. It can also be thought that the immune response to an attack by a foreign substance is called an allergy.

Children with allergies have a more immune system that responds to the attacking allergen and treats it.

Causes of Allergy: Allergens

The foreign substances or proteins that cause Allergy is called an allergen. Allergies to allergens in our body (the particle's name that causes allergies in our body) The body makes antibodies against it. The antibody sticks to the white blood cells. And again, when the body is exposed to the substance, the allergen attaches to the antibody and expels the mediators  (the powerful intercessors in the body, which we may also call the immune system). Begin to happen.

Allergens are found in food, pets, or flowers. They enter our bodies and make us allergic. Allergens can strike anyone, including children and the elderly, and inflammation, itching, sneezing, and blemishes on the body are common.

Which body systems are affected by allergies?

The most common cause of allergies is the body's immune system. Still, according to new research, allergies are a disease that affects the body's normal systems, including the respiratory system, nervous system, and cardiovascular system. This system causes various symptoms and complaints, most of which appear as skin diseases.

Is Allergy an inherited disease?

When outside polluted air enters the body through inhalation or food, the allergenic particles attack the body's immune system and weaken it. The cells that participate in this process are called "mast cells." These are called mast cells and the antibodies that are formed—called Ige. When this antibody reaction is an antigen, some substances from the mast cell come out of the mediator and enter the body tissue, which contains histamine and some chemicals. They cause allergies in the body of people whose immune system is weakened. They are more prone to allergies, such as when the weather changes and the humidity rises, nasal congestion increases due to shortness of breath, asthma, or persistent cold. Similarly, allergies increase and decrease due to various moisture effects.

Different Conditions of allergies

There are many types of allergies; there are two types.

1_Acute condition

2_Chronic condition

·       Acute Allergy: includes all the allergy problems that need to be treated immediately. For example, itching on the body as soon as the food is eaten, or a rash or runny nose, vomiting or diarrhea, or a migraine, etc.,

·       Chronic allergies that the patient endures and they many days go by in weeks, months, or years and get worse, such as cough, asthma, runny nose, persistent cold, itchy eyes, sneezing when you wake up in the morning, itching in the body after bathing, joint pain. These include permanent sore throats, persistent stomach upset or thin stools, a variety of skin diseases, and swelling of parts of the body such as the face or lips and spots on the body due to itching.

Types of allergies

Many types of allergies can vary depending on the season, the region, and the foreign substance. Some common types of allergies include:  

1. Food Allergy

2. Medicinal algae

3. Pollen allergy

4. Allergy to animals

5. Rubber / Lay Tax Allergy

6. Allergy to the sun

7. Hereditary allergies

8. Allergy to insect stings.

9. Allergy to cadmium.

10. Mold allergy (fungus type)

11. Allergy to dust

Allergy symptoms

Different types of allergies can cause other symptoms to the human body. These symptoms are also the result of a variety of factors. It is essential to know what allergies the human body is experiencing and the severity of the allergies. Once detected, treatment becomes easier for the physician.

                                 Food Allergies                                   

What is a food allergy

Food enters the body through a protein that the body does not accept and reacts to food allergies. For example, most people suffer from allergies after eating eggs, while the most common food allergy in children is peanut allergy. Food allergies are more common in childhood allergy disorders. Many people have a low tolerance for food. Food intolerance is an unpleasant symptom that starts with the same food item. It does not involve the immune system. Many children with allergies develop asthma.

Food allergies are divided into three types

Depending on the symptoms and when they occur, Food allergies are divided into three types.

§  Ig E -mediated food allergies - The most common type, triggered by the immune system that produces an antibody called immunoglobulin E (Ig E). Symptoms appear a few seconds or minutes after eating. Such allergies increase the risk of anaphylaxis.

§  Non-Ig E-mediated food allergies - These allergic reactions are not caused by immunoglobulin E but by other cells in the immune system. This type of Allergy is often challenging to diagnose because the symptoms take a long time to develop (up to several hours).

§  Mixed Ig E and non-Ig E mediated food allergies - some people may experience both types of symptoms.

When your body detects an allergen, it signals the immune system to produce antibodies called amino globulin E, or IGI. These antibodies cause some cells in the body to release chemicals called histamines. These histamines float in the body's blood to defend against invading allergens.

Causes of Food Allergy

Common food allergens

Common food allergens include:

Ø Nut

Ø Peanut Tree fruits such as hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, and cashews

Ø Eggs

Ø Cow's milk is the most important allergen.

Ø Shellfish, Fish, crustaceans, mollusks are common food allergens.

Ø Also, some vegetables and fruits

Even tiny amounts of these foods can cause anaphylaxis in children with allergic reactions. If your child is allergic to any dish, ask your cook or host about the dish.

Symptoms of food allergies

Symptoms of food allergies include:

v swelling, smallpox, nausea, and fatigue.

v Itching in the mouth, throat, or inside the ears

v Itchy red itching (urticaria, or "hive")

v Swelling of the face, around the eyes, lips, tongue, and roof of the mouth (angioedema)

v Experience shock with low blood pressure.

v heartbeat

v Dizziness, fainting, or loss of consciousness.

Your child's allergic reaction depends on which part of his body is affected by the allergen. Most allergies affect children's eyes, nose, throat, lungs, or skin.

Ultimate It takes time for anyone to understand that a food allergy causes this reaction. If you also experience severe reactions after eating a diet, contact a physician immediately. No cure has yet been found for food allergies, so as a precautionary measure, food that causes allergies should not be given to an infected person.

What increases the risk of food allergies?

The risk factors for food allergies are:

§  Family history If you have a family with a history of food allergies, you have a higher risk of developing food allergies.

§  There is another allergy. If you are already allergic to one food, you have a higher risk of allergies to another food. Similarly, if you have other allergies, such as dust allergies, you have a higher risk of developing food allergies.

§  Age Food allergies are more common in children, especially young children and newborns. As you grow older, your digestive system becomes more mature, and your body reduces digestive foods that trigger allergies.

§  Asthma and food allergies usually go hand in hand. When this happens, the symptoms of both food allergies and asthma are more severe.

Factors that increase your risk for anaphylactic reactions include:

ü Has a history of asthma.

ü Adolescents or older.

ü It is too late to use epinephrine to treat your food allergy symptoms.

Home remedies treatment for food allergies

Here are some ways to deal with food allergies:

·       Avoid foods that can trigger allergies.

·       Read food labels carefully before buying or preparing food.

·       Learn how to use hypoallergenic injections and teach people around you if you have a sudden anaphylactic shock.

·       Wear a medical bracelet or necklace to let people know you have an allergy.

·       Tell your family, carers, and teachers if your child has a food allergy.

·       Wash dishes carefully before preparing baby food. This can help prevent allergies.

When should I see a Homeopathic Doctor?

See your doctor or allergist (immunologist) if you experience food allergy symptoms immediately after eating. If possible, see your doctor when an allergic reaction occurs. This can help your doctor make a diagnosis.

In Homeopathy, treatment choice is based on the theory of individuality and symbolic similarity using a holistic approach. This is the only way to get rid of the patient's pain signs and symptoms and get a full recovery. The goal of homeopathy is to treat food allergies and eliminate the root cause and individual allergies. As far as treatment is concerned, there are many treatments available to treat food allergies that can be selected based on the complaint's reasons, feelings, and methods. For individual treatment and cure, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor.

Usual tests for food allergies

No standard tests are used to detect or diagnose food allergies. Your doctor will diagnose you based on your eating symptoms. In addition, the doctor will perform a skin test, urine test, or food trial to confirm the diagnosis.

What are the treatment options for food allergies?

Here are some choices for food allergies based on their severity:

v For mild reactions, recommended non-prescription food allergy medications or antihistamines can help you reduce your symptoms. These medications can be taken after learning about foods that trigger allergies. However, antihistamines cannot treat anaphylactic shock.

v  Food for anaphylactic trauma, effective food allergy medications are epinephrine injections and hospital emergency help. Many people with allergies take epinephrine injections everywhere (epinephrinetwin jet, or OVQ). When pressed into your thigh, the device uses a mixture of spray and injection to inject a single drug dose.

Homeopathic Treatment for Food allergy (according to the symptoms)

Once the allergen enters the body, making antibodies in the body can be stopped, and what are the real cause and its homeopathic medicine.

Note: Medicine for allergies should be thoroughly tested before use according to the combination of masculinity, sex, age as well as modalities, mental, and all other symptoms.

 There will be a guarantee.

1. Yellow fever. Ambrosia artemisia. 200 to 1m

2. Egg allergy. Ferrum met 30 to 200, Nat Mur, Sulphur, Tuberculinum

3. Allergy to algae. Sulphur 200 to 1m

4. With antibiotics. Sulphur - 200 to 1m.

5. Asthma from allergies. Give a dose of Tuberculinium cm and wait for three days. Arsenic album 200 in the morning. Epicac 30 p.m. Antimony tart. 30 at night. One month later. Read the potency. And so on. Increase the dosage power and time.

6. Get rid of allergies. Artica Q.

7. Bananas Allergy- Phosphorus

8. Bread allergy, acidic food - Natrum Mur

9Butter Allergy – Sulphur

10. Buckwheat Allergy – Pulsatilla

11. Carrots Allergy– Phosphorus

12. Castor Bean Allergy - Alumina, Antimonium ars.

13. Chocolate Allergy - Sulphur

14. Allergy to Cod Liver Oil – Pulsatilla

15. Fat's Allergy - Pulsatilla, Sulphur

16. Fish Allergy - SulphurTuberculinum

17. Flour Allergy- Aspidosperma

18. Fruit Allergy- Arsenicum albPulsatilla

19. Hazelnuts Allergy – Phosphorus

20.  Honey Allergy - Nat Mur

21. Meat Allergy - Nat MurSulphurTuberculinum

22. Milk - Calc carbHomarus, Nat Mur, Sepia, Sulphur, Tuberculinum, Urtica urens

23. Onion Allergy- Nat MurThuja

24. Oranges Allergy– Pulsatilla

25. Oysters Allergy – Lycopodium

26. Shellfish allergy - Arsenicum alb., TerebinthinaUrtica urens

27. Starch allergy - Nat Mur

28. Strawberries allergy - CarcinosinFragaria vesca

29. Sugar allergy- Saccharum Officinale

30. Tamarind Seed allergy - Blatta orientalis, Carbo veg

31. Wheat allergy - Nat MurPsorinum

32. Beer allergy; malt liquor - Kali Bich

33. warm boiled milk allergy – Sepia

34. cod liver oil allergy - Hepar Sulph

35. Allergy from aspirin, bad liquors, salt butter, rotten eggs, poultry items - Carbo Veg

36. castor oil – Bryonia

37. coffee - Nux Vom

38. Allergy to heat - Apis Mel

39Allergy to cold drinks; fruits; rotten foods, iodine - Arsenic Album 40Allergy to sugar - Argentum nit

41Allergy to rice – Tellurium

42Allergy to cabbage – Petrolium

43Allergy to cheese - Nitri-spiritus dulcus

44Allergy to dust - Justicia adhatoda

Treatment of allergies according to the human organ

 Homeopathy medicines for Common symptoms of Allergy  

·       Recurrent sneezing with itchy eyes and nose:

Medicine: Sabad., Allium Cepa, Euphras, Aralia race, Arsenic alb, condurango, Galphimia Glauca, Kali iod, Sanguinaria nit

·       Runny nose, itchy eyes, itchy nose, and throat:

Medicine: Natrum mur, sulphur, allium cepa, euphrasia, aurum triph, Aconite, arsenic alb,

·       Stuffy nose

Medicine: nux vom, Sambucus, sticta, amon carb, lycopodium, aurum triph, Aconite,

·       Throat pain

Medicine: baryata carb, belladonna, sanuinaria nit, phytolacca, mercurius sol,

·       Difficulties in breathing with a wheezing sound

Medicine: arsenic alb, Ipecac, Aconite, Blatta, Aralia, Grindelia, napthalinum, Aspidosperma, natrum sulph,

·       Urticaria or hives

Medicine: Apis, Arsenic alb, sulphur, natrum mur, Urtica urens, medusa, Astacus, natrum phos, pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Boavista  

·       Heat to the abdomen

Medicine: Antimonium crudum

·       Diarrhea with bloating of the abdomen and foul-smelling gas.

Medicine: Cinchona officinalis

·       All symptoms from allergic origin

Medicine: Histaminum

·       Runny eyes with a burning or gritty feeling, facial flushing, watery nose, and short, stiff, tickling cough.

Medicine: Ferrum phosphoricum

·       Feel itchiness on the roof of the mouth and behind the nose, and the head feels dry and irritated; the nose may still be runny.

Medicine: Wyethia

Don't use too much medicine

Excessive use of this medicine in the crude state changes the vital blood flow in our body. Due to which the allergen enters our body, the immune system fights against it with antibodies. It does not prevent the onset of allergic reactions with many diseases, from mild to severe. Even as long as the patient lives, he lives on marble and eventually dies and is saved. Now the question is, if the medicine is available, then why the patient is not well. The patient takes medication, and the potency effect starts. But the same medication is taken three times a day. And its use of crude again causes the symptoms of the disease. Neither the doctor nor the patient knows why this is the case.


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