How to become an effective manager? (Managerial Skill, Knowledge, and Abilities). What Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities do Managers need to perform work effectively?

How to become an effective manager? (Managerial Skill, Knowledge, and Abilities). What Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities do Managers need to perform work effectively?

How to become an effective manager? (Managerial Skill, Knowledge, and Abilities). What Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities do Managers need to perform work effectively?
How to become an effective manager? (Managerial Skill, Knowledge, and Abilities). What Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities do Managers need to perform work effectively? 

The manager leads teams, manages tasks, solves the problem, reports up and down the hierarchy.

 A manager is not a person who can do the work better than his men, but he is a person who can get his men to do the work better than he can.

                                                                               (Frederick W. Smith)

 The skill of a manager is also called a management skill or Managerial Skill. One of the pillars of growth and business is good leadership and management skills over employees and team members.  As a result, developing your management skills is critical to communicate with people and make good decisions. If managers have knowledge of their skills, they will be able to make decisions and lead the subordinates.

Skill for a Manager fall into three categories:

1_ Technical Skill

2_ Human Skill/Inter-Personal skill

3_ Conceptual Skill

These three categories were classified by Robert Katz (American social and organizational psychologist)

Technical Skill: are those skill needed to accomplish a specific task.

·      These Skills are a result of a mix of formal education, training, and on-the-job experience.

·        Technical skills involve skills that give the managers the knowledge and ability to use different techniques to attain their aims.

·       These skills include software and operating machines, parts of equipment, and manufacture utensils and the skills needed to design different types of products and facilities, increase sales and market the services and products.

Human Skill/ Interpersonal skills: are what a manager will use, to work with their employees

·      Because all managers deal with people, human skills are essential.

·     Managers with strong human skills recognize the value of trust, cohesiveness, fairness, empathy, and goodwill.

·       Human skills help the manager communicate, lead, and motivate an employee to work towards a higher level of productivity.

People often complain that motivation and bathing do not endure; this is why we suggest bathing on a regular basis. That is why managers have to motivate their sub coordinates on an everyday basis.

Conceptual skills: Conceptual skills, in short, enable a manager to handle issues in a planned and measured manner.

·      Analyzing and evaluating a particular situation is part of conceptual skills.

·       Managers need to develop action plans and hardness resources to achieve organizational goals.

·      A manager with strong conceptual skills can look at an issue, divide it into manageable parts, evaluate a range of potential solutions, and then put it back together more effectively and efficiently.

These are essential skills required by the manager.

Three levels of Management

Managers just need to know the three levels of Management

v Top (high-level) management makes decisions regarding the long-run objectives. It includes the people like President and CEO Executive Vice president of the government. 

v Middle management, often responsible for short-term decisions. It includes regional manager, plant manager.

v Supervisory (first line) is usually involved in the day-to-day operation of the firm.  It includes the account manager, office manager.

Three skillsets are required at three levels of management

At different levels of management, we required different skill sets or different levels of managerial skills. What is the three skill set required at three levels of management?

Ø The first one is the top-level: The Top Level requires more after conceptual skill than analyzing or evaluating skills rather than human relations skills and conceptual skills.

Ø At the middle level, the manager required more human relations skills because they need to interact more with people and don't really need a lot of technical expertise.

Ø At the third Level or Supervisory level because we have to do the technical aspect of the job. They require more technical skills and fewer human relations and conceptual skills. 

The important knowledge that will able the manager works more effectively

1_Successful managers always take ownership of all situations within their remit; there are no excuses:

you will never hear an effective manager say, that's not my fault, that's not my team's fault. They will take ownership of all Situations. Once you start to do that, other people in your team will follow suit, and they will take ownership of all situations, and you will then see quickly that you will start to be much more productive, so develop a habit where you take ownership of all situations.

2_Always look to improve:

 Highly effective managers always look to improve, and They never think to themselves they have reached the pinnacle of their career. They always looking to improve and develop. They will never reach the point in their career on their business where they think yes, they've reached the Pinnacle.  They should always look to improve their reading. So, for example, read this book called Extreme ownership by Jocko willink if you are somebody who likes to read. You will find that you as a manager will be outstanding if you always improve you take ownership of situations.

3_ Building a Support Network

Great Manager realizes the importance of building a support network around them.

Ø Effective managers treat people with respect, but they will command respect, too!

 You should learn these early on in your managerial career.

Ø They realize the importance of Building a Support Network, build relationships with people, build relationships with your team members, professional relationships, build team members with contractors, suppliers, stakeholders, and other managers in your organization so that you have a solid support network around you.  When it is needed, so, if you think about your personal life, if something goes wrong right now, do you have people you can call upon? Yes! You do people who will help you, and it's the same as a Manager. If something goes wrong, you need people to call upon, and you might even need to call in favors at times, so always be nice to people on the way up because you might need them when things are going wrong.

4_ Always set high standards from the get-go

Effective Manager always set high standards. This will give you a reputation as a Manager who will not settle for anything but the best. You should always say to your team from the start that we will set very high standards, and we are going to stick with and always remember this if you lower the standards of the start, it's much harder to raise them. So, it's very easy to lower the standards once you set them high if you choose to do so, but it's very difficult to raise them later on. So always take pride in what you do and set high standards because then people in your team will take pride in their work, and it's all about getting you a team on yourself to develop strong habits that will stand you in good Stead for the rest of your Managerial career.

5_ Get to know their Employees

This is good now; it does not matter how big or small your team is; you could have a team of two people, or you could have a team of 50 people who gets to know your team members get to know your employees, the people you are responsible for.

Ø Speak to your team members.

Ø Speak to them, engage with them, listen to them.

Ø Find out what your team member's strengths and weaknesses are now. When you know what that's trend saw? What do they enjoy doing? You can allocate tasks to them quickly. So, when you have to delegate as a Manager, if you know your team members, you know who to delegate to and, more importantly, know that weaknesses. Because if you know their weaknesses, you can help them improve on that will make them feel valued. If you know you'll team member's weaknesses, you can send them on appropriate training courses, or you can even coach meant to them yourselves in a game that played valuable and appreciated.

Ø  find out your team members' career aspirations; now, everyone in the team has different aspirations. Some people in your team as a Manager would want to come work just does a good job and then go home, and there's nothing wrong with that. But also found out who the people are in your team who have high career aspirations you want to develop and help them develop encourage them so find out what that career aspiration all the people in your team and then use that knowledge to your advantage.

Ø Praise them: Make sure to praise people when they do good work. Don't get into the habit of just praising people all the time. Only praise their stuff when they do good work but make sure you praise them; that is very important because otherwise, people will get demotivated.

Ø  Provide honest feedback: they will appreciate it to provide honest and open feedback to people in your team because that will help them develop and respect you for it.

6_ Listen more than speak: This is most important; highly effective Manager listen more than they speak.

Ø Listening gives you more time, okay, so always listen to people; it gives you more time.

Ø  Listening gives you options for what to do because you are gaining information when you are listening.

Ø  Listening gives you knowledge

which gives you power, so always listen more than you speak. Just because you are a manager does not mean that you have to be the person who is the most vocal in the room listen more than you speak; it is a great habit that you should learn right now.

7_ Don’t make decisions in the Heat of the Moment    

 Highly effective Managers: sometimes they do nothing, and they get in the fire service.   Don't always have to make a decision so as manager we think:   must make decisions all the time! This is not true.

Ø there is power in the words

let's wait and see what happens..

Whenever something happens at work, ask yourself the question. Learn to develop the habit of asking yourself this question  

 “do I have to make a decision right now?

Because if you wait, it might give you more information to help you make a better decision. Sometimes there will be lots of times where you have to make decisions right away. But there will be more the no times that wait and see what happens and try not to make decisions in The heat of the Moment unless absolutely necessary.  

8_ Master the art of filtering

Great Manager Master the art of filteringManagers have information coming after all the time. See, the manager just above us will be wanting us to do things. When we have our team, but we need to look at his wealth. You will have an abundance of information coming at you, and you need to learn altar filtering.

Ø Step 1: Draw up a list of things you really need to do that on a particular week or particular day.

Ø Step2Prioritize the most urgent and most important tasks and do them to a very high standard than the rest.  

9_ Seek Feedback:   Highly effective Managers seek feedback themselves. 

Ø  Highly effective managers are not afraid to ask for feedback  

Ø Once they receive the feedback, they decide which parts are useful. Just somebody gives you feedback; it does not mean to say you have to take it on board. You are in control. You are the Manager.

Ø Use feedback to your advantage! So, if you are unsure about how you've done something, ask someone within your network for feedback, and then type take the bit that you find useful and use it to your advantage; very powerful to you that as an effective Manager.

10_A highly effective managers make decisions based on facts, not emotion 

Ø Poor decision is based on emotion.

Ø >Take note of the facts of what's happening around you and make the decision.

11_Great Manager have someone to help them (a mentor)

Ø You might have someone within your organization who can help you, but if you have someone more experienced, it is perfect for you and will help you learn much.

If the Manager has all these qualities, he will be able to do the job very effectively.


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